Hirschsprungs Family Connections
Hirschsprungs Family Connections
We are a small charity set up to connect families who love a child with Hirschsprungs Disease (HD).
We are based out of Southampton and work closely with Southampton Children's Hospital where all the children are treated.
Our Aims are to:
- Provide support for families who live with HD
- Organise family get togethers for families of people who live with HD
- Fund for medical supplies or equipment
- Provide support to the wards where children are treated
- Financially help families during hospital stays
- Provide an online presence for families of children with HD.
- Promote awareness of HD and awareness of late diagnosis
- Give advice to and signpost families to organisations where possible
- Networking with other charities
Our Committee
Events organisor
I am the paedatric Surgical Nurse Specialist at Southampton Children's Hospital. I provide nursing support for the children with HD in the South Central area. I am also a willing pair of hands for the charity